Signup & Phone Verification

This feature encompasses a multi-step process designed to securely onboard users to the PatientLynk platform. Users can user the self service registration process and proceed to email and phone verification, or complete their accounts after registering during a lab visit, simply following the email sent from the lab and then verifying their phone number. This process is aimed at securing user accounts and ensuring that lab results are only accessible to authenticated users.

Self Service Registration
In this case, the user start the journey from the lending page, where he can login, or proceed with the sign-up process.

Sign Up Flow
The sign up flow has been designed to be splitted in multiple steps. Usually in a flow like that, the product strategy is to grab and confirm as soon as possible the email address, and only after confirming the user data. However, given the other flow, where the sign-up process of a patient is initiated by the lab facility, it was easier to find a common ground and make the account setup and email verification the second flow.
The email is verified trough code and not with a ink due to the current backend implementation. Future solution will provide also an email with a deep-link to complete the email verification.

Complete account following lab link
By following the email generated trough the lab facility, the user will simply set a password for the profile, and provide the birth date. This flow is similar to the reset password, making the process to set and reset a user password streamlined.

Identity Verification through Phone
The last step of the flow consist of verifying the users mobile phone that will be used to receive the reports.

Other Features
We teamed up with our client to make lab results easy to access, understand, and share. No fuss, just clear health info at your fingertips.

We’ve made sharing lab results with doctors straightforward, secure, and within your control, every step of the way.

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